Inevitably, when we meet someone new and share that we decided to travel the world full-time with our children, we get this response: It’s a great thing you are doing for these kids. They are going to learn so much! Well, we certainly hope so. We think so….To be honest, we aren’t always so sure….
The Lord Mayor is not the Mayor of London
The Lord Mayor is not the Mayor of London – We were nervous about coming to the UK amid lockdown. We were uncertain of the welcome that we would or would not receive. We conceded it was opportunistic and possibly selfish to swoop into a country just as it
Ghouls are in the Ayr
“Are you sure you want the children to sleep… alone in their own room?” The lord of the manor was staring at me with unblinking eyes, caged like an owl’s behind glasses of a thick black frame. Outside, night was bleeding into oblivion, the last of Ayr’s long shadowy shapes. “Yes, if that’s okay with…
Measuring My Life Out With Coffee Spoons – Or At Least Trying To
We find things all around the world. Sometimes we must travel to the far side of the world to find something that is, in fact, everywhere. Our unseeing eyes flit over them until they glint in the light and are finally seen. Perhaps they weren’t there before. Or maybe we didn’t have the eyes with…
Pain is Temporary, but the Views Go On Forever
“…and like a visitor that nobody invited, the cold came in and sat among them.” We switched off the engine and those words hung in the air like a mist, like an omen. Poor boys. Mysteriously forgotten by the ship that was to fetch them home after trapping birds, they were now facing the winter…