We promised to embark on this trip in a spirit of learning, to gather information to lead a more thoughtful life. Newfound convictions, however, are coming into conflict with another goal—to be flexible and participatory, living as the locals do when possible to appreciate their point of view. The topic of exploration? One that is…
Where In The World Is La Famiglia Santillo?
Hithertofore, we have been somewhat circumspect, that is to say, cagey, regarding posting a schedule of our future travel plans and inevitable travails. Our plans are fluid, to say the least, and have shifted repeatedly over the last year of our lives. Anything we may have told you in the last year or so is…
Lessons of the Day
We are homeschool weirdos. Quirkier still, now that our home is ever-moving, we are roadschool weirdos. How do you fit a classroom into a five-foot by eight-foot box barreling down the road at seventy miles per hour? Just like the contours of the land we are bumping along, it has its ups and downs, a…
The Rallis Tribe
Have you ever had a reunion with someone you have not yet met face to face? That is how we felt upon pulling up to explore the Inniswood Metro Gardens in Westerville, Ohio with the Rallis Tribe. We tumbled out of our respective vehicles and ran with open arms toward each other like long lost…
I didn’t plan on ruining a perfectly good baseball bat with my shin. However, when a bunch of martial artists get together for the weekend, peculiar opportunities arise… We would be leaving out some significant stories if we didn’t share our experience at a martial arts conference this week. It is invigorating, being in the…