As we hiked in the desert, under a broad scorching sun, we had to ask ourselves, why did we choose to spend our afternoon like this? Bugs were flying around and biting. Sand in the shoes. Sunburn inevitable. Not enough water for anyone to drink (epic parenting fail). Yes, the formations at Arches National Park…
Dirty Laundry
As a society, we have an obsession with cleanliness—not moderate cleanliness, but a divine level of freshly-bleached and pressed cleanliness. We daily scrub our skin, launder our clothes, buff our granite countertops, disinfect everything we can. Stew on the old saw, “Cleanliness is next to Godliness.” We have elevated the concept of ‘washing your hands’…
It was supposed to be a challenging trail. We picked the one we thought would be hard, but not impossible for us to complete. Challenging but not overwhelming. Hiking is a natural metaphor for life choices, right? We prepared the night before, taking every possible snag into consideration—or so we thought. The sky was a…
My Promise To My Children
In truth, we obsess about parenting. Obviously, we practice it daily—well, most days, anyway—but beyond that, we study it, theorize about it, discuss it, and write about it. (Did we mention that we wrote a parenting book called Resilience Parenting?) But it’s all for a good reason.
Writing For The World To Read
This episode comes to you from the great plains of the midwest, homesteader’s cabin, T. S. Elliot on the bedside table, flames in the cookstove casting the only light. (Well, that cabin is where we will sleep, but before we go down there to the windy muddy cold I am writing in a comfy wingback…