You know that I am typically a positive person. In my opinion, one shouldn’t waste his or her time on negative feelings, if possible. If you can’t say something nice….There is great happiness in that mantra. So, what can I say that’s positive about Las Vegas? Hugh Jackman is performing here in July. I had…
Madame Librarian
What is the term for a place that, upon arriving, gives you a sublime sense of belonging? Some people get this feeling when they trot through grassland on the prairie, toe the edge of a rushing river, enter the filtered light of a forest glen, or walk into the bustling action of a metropolitan hub….
A Glimpse of Life
We strain so much for glimpses of life—real life. In the books we read, the shows we watch, the stories we hear. In the people sitting across from us in a cafe or passing us on the street. Perhaps even in our own lives. For the most part, we like being alive, and we want…
Why All Rental Cars Reek of Cigarette Smoke
Traveling means different things to different people. To some, it is a mai tai on the beach. To some, it is the rush and bustle of business trips. For us, when possible, travel is slow, as slow as time allows. It is an exploration. It is a moment of living in this new place even…
We’ve been meaning to write about the balance between planning and improvising while living this nomadic wanderer’s life. On the prairie, we were moved by the power of serendipity to catch us up in its current and give a sense of purpose to coincidence. A woman sitting next to us on our covered wagon ride…