We have observed that every culture has its own variant of poison water. Poison water is something that you brew—or more commonly distill—that people intentionally imbibe even though it’s probably killing you, and definitely killing brain cells. It has been our experience traveling that an essential part of connecting to the locals in other countries…
Shanghai: Surprisingly Quiet, Clean, and Pleasant
We weren’t convinced, not until the striking contrast of our next destination confirmed a surprising suspicion: Shanghai is quiet, clean, and pleasant. We should preface this post by admitting that we often abhor large cities. They tend to be loud, dirty, and unpleasant. The cacophony and ever-present danger of active machinery (traffic, construction, commerce) is…
Stubbornness, Public Transportation, and the Family Death March
We could have hailed a taxi. Heck, we could have even grabbed up a cart to travel through the airport. Instead, attracting a good deal of stares, we hefted our five backpacks (which is really ten backpacks because we all have a daypack as well) through all the steps from plane to hotel in Shanghai….
Restrooms, Restrooms, Everywhere and Cheap Plane Tickets
I should probably be focussed on the elation I feel to be up, up, and away—flying through the atmosphere to far-away places. But mostly I’m frustrated that we spend so much energy making sure that our three boys can find a restroom in a timely fashion. Oh, well. International travel is not for the faint-of-heart……
Permanent Vacation?
It’s happened. We got in line to board a plane for Shanghai and, for the first time in the past four months, I did not feel like we are on vacation. Up until this day, I have been a little disappointed in myself, honestly. The endless summer parade of fun, friends, beachfronts, and barbecues is…