Follow the Silk Road through “the Stans” for a romantic connection to the past! Welcome to our post about Uzbekistan. We promised all the friendly folks we met in UZ that we’d spread the word: this is a country you should visit! Nestled amidst its fellow “stan” countries, Uzbekistan is great for family-friendly travel into…
Tasmania Travel Tips – Touring Little Australia With Kids
Here is the Santillo boys’ prescription for a fantastic holiday on the little heart-shaped island that hangs like a charm from Australia’s southeast corner: Melbourne to Devonport From Melbourne, you can fly to Tasmania in under an hour or make a day/night of it on the ferry. We chose to be awake for the latter,…
Our Little Devils Take the Lead – Letting the Kids Plan a Tasmanian Road Trip
“We did almost zero planning.” That was Leo’s response when I asked the boys about their process for mapping out a week-long trip around one of Earth’s most rugged and remote islands. I beg to differ. Click here to read an account of the trip… Perhaps it’s a bit of an exaggeration to claim ‘remote.’…
Mrs. Santillo’s Guide to Australian Hospitality
When welcoming guests into your home, to create a first-rate experience, it is advisable to take into consideration practices from around the world. Today, we are pleased to offer for such purposes a few suggestions that come from various lodging arrangements in the Antipodes. Australians, or Aussies, as they are lovingly self-named, ought to be…
Test Driving the Australian Medical System – The Joys of Traveling With Boys
When you travel with three young boys, you pack a serious medkit. More than extra bandages, yours boasts plenty of wound-closing tape, a portable splint, and blood clotting powder, just to be on the safe side. And yes, to give peace of mind to yourself and everyone asking, you are investing in travel medical insurance….